I'm not going to lie, being on the roof of anything makes me feel all nervous and stuff, so the idea of going on top of the Commodore pretty much made me clam up like John Goodman at a salad bar. None the less, it had to be done and with the weather barely getting over 10 these days I had to take a look at the roof that I knew had leaks. Initially I figured the main issue would be at the joint for the addition and the trailer but once I manned up and crawled up there I saw that the issue really wasn't all that bad.
This is the vent for the septic and at some point somebody worse at home repairs than I am decided to seal it up with bathroom silicone. After seeing that and rambling on about how somebody has to be seriously dense to use that stuff on their roof I pretty much just lathered a layer of roofing tar over the entire area. My neighbour is a roofer by trade and helped me out from the ground (few too many beers in him by that time).
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