I started the demo all careful and stuff. Taking my time to no break all the trim, trying to save the wall panels and not ding stuff up. Then I Said...

This is the nasty plumbing at the back of the tub, in the laundry area. The previous owner had a bunch of leaks back here that were just left to rot the ever loving shite out of the subfloor here. It stunk like... well I don't really know but I never want to smell that again. The 4" hole in the floor is where the dryer vent line had been run but it wasn't attached to anything under the place. It was just blowing under the floor of the bathroom.

You can see here my process for trying to decide what to keep, in reality I should have just wrote OUT on everything because that is what happened.

Kitchen destroyed and in this you can see that the middle bedroom is gone, it will become my dining room in time.

Nasty, gross, terribly disgusting carpet is gone. I masked up then promptly took a shower after removing this carpet. I felt like I had just crawled through Roseanne's belly button lint collection for an afternoon.

Kitchen demo was fun. Much smashy smashy was involved.
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