Things have been slow as I work on stuff that needs to sit overnight before working on it again and or stuff that I just have no idea how to do. See: shower pan, drywalling, taping and mudding.

Finally, FU@*!NG FINALLY I have the shower pan ready for tile. After so much messing around and many many f@&k ups I have it ready. More pictures were taken of this process but I am not sharing, bad memories, very bad memories.

Drywalling! and a shot of my new (built in 68') table saw.

Awwww, yeah!
Also, you see that wall to the back at the right? That wall is earmarked for the picture below. I even added additional support so I could hang it right in the middle of the wall.
-Joyride by Samuel Fedor
My favourite possession!
"Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this and TOTALLY redeem yourself!"